Friday, 21 April 2017

The kid is back, she's back on track

Hello blog!
It has been a whole year since I last wrote here, and today I decided it’s time to come back.

For some time I didn't want to write here again because I worried I wouldn't be able to keep it like it used to be. I'm not traveling or living in a new country and, except for some new Airbnb (mis)adventures, I have an insuficient collection of embarrassing stories to keep up a blog the way I did before. 
Buuut, this is a personal blog, and I hope you understand that it's bound to shift in a way a person does. And lately I really missed a place where I could write things that are a little longer than a facebook status. So, I'm back!

To give you a brief summary of what went on in my life since my last post:

1- Worked part-time at a design studio doing publications for facebook. Amongst my greatest creations was this baby Jesus with a hamburger:
This is what I went to design school for.

2 - Wrote and drew two children books, which have been published for real, and not photocopied and stapled at the print shop. (although I continue to print and staple things at the print shop.)
They have hardcovers, which is the book version of wearing a suit. 
One is about sisters:

and the other is about hmm... it's a retelling of a famous portuguese folktale... but also about depression.. and about being a foreigner...

3 - Meanwhile I also met girldfriend-who-shall-remain-unnamed. This is the nicest photo we have together:

We met on the street, so sometimes when people say love is just around the corner they mean that literally. 
Also, I learned that staring intensely at someone you don’t know and praying on the universe to give you a chance to meet that person by some chaotic coincidence is a thing that can work for you. But it will take two weeks or so.

Also, she used to read this blog, before meeting me in person. 
I have conflicting feelings about that.

But I guess now my advise for anyone looking for a special someone is: forget Tinder, start a blog. Extra points if you write about seaguls shitting in your face.

For the rest, everything is the same, I’m still in Porto, same street same house same room. To be honest I barely even moved from here. I haven’t travelled in a long time.
But I have a feeling this summer will be full of book related events and small trips, and I'll be here to tell you all about it!

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